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Latest movie/TV Review

This movie's ending was predictable. Sometimes it's not about how smart the villain is, but how stupid the hero is. And that's when I get annoyed.

When the villain is supposed to be battling a hero who is as cunning as they are, that is what makes the chase/fight more exciting and captivating.

But this movie wanted to claim that was the case, but it wasn't.

The plot to this movie has several major flaws.

For one thing, why use a concert to trap a serial killer? Why work harder and not smarter? Now, you have to look at thousands of faces while searching for one.

But that isn't even the biggest pothole. This one contains a spoiler, so I'll post it after my verdict. Moving on.

The ending was silly too. As soon as you see how incompetent the police are. As for the main role, Josh played the part well. The suspense wasn't that intense to me, though. Watching this once is enough.

FINAL VERDICT: GUILTY LIKE A VILLAIN. M. Night S. Is getting so lazy with his writing and movies. The plothole at the end makes everything else that happened prior completely ridiculous and unnecessary. Movie, I sentence you to 10 years hard labor. Bailiff, drag this movie to jail, but keep your eye on it. The bastard thinks he smarter than he is and might try some shit.

The Spoiler I mentioned: Later you find out that the wife is the one who suspected her husband was the killer and she alerted police to the fact that he'd be attending the concert. Now with that knowledge...

  1. Why even waste resources sending hundreds of cops to the arena when you could have set that trap in the house and capture him when him and his daughter came home?

  2. Why spend time and money trying to get every employee at the arena in on the trap, and risk the secret getting out (which it did) when you could simply set the trap at his home?

  3. Why randomly search for men as potential suspects, alerting the killer that something odd was going on if the wife is the informant because...

  4. Why didn't they already know what he looked like, where his seat was and where he lived if his wife tipped them off?

And that ending was lazy as hell. If the profiler knew so much about him. About how cunning he was, especially since he managed to slip past them at the concert, she should have insisted that police not allow him ANY leeway. No, you don't get to hug your daughter, set the bicycle upright and you sure as hell don't get to ride in the back of the truck without police attendants.

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