Okay, these are my top 3 Supermen. Tyler is my favorite because that TV show, Superman & Lois gave me everything I have ALWAYS wanted from Superman. You see him as the superhero all of the time, but only as Clark here and there. He's Clark when he needs to hear a news story, or when he needs to look goofy in front of Lois.
The TV series Smallville was great at giving us Clark. But S & L gave us a mature Clark and Superman. He had kids to raise, a wife to care for. You got to see how he dealt with issues he couldn't use his powers to solve, like Lois' Cancer. (What a powerful and beautiful season that was) The man had bills to worry about and rebellious teens. We saw his human side, and Tyler portrayed it wonderfully. You got to see him with all of his emotions. Anger, lust, sadness, happiness, etc.
Now, getting to Man of Steel Superman. Cavill is my second favorite and I felt like he never got a chance to expand on the character. But what I did see, I loved. Him drinking a beer and watching the game, was great.
I wasn't one of those ppl complaining about him killing Zod or the destruction done in Metropolis. For one thing, the machine did most of it and Superman stopped it as fast as he could. Then his plan to get rid of all of them was 90% successful when he used his ship to send them to the Phantom Zone. But Zod wasn't on it.
So now, he has to face a superhuman foe for the first time with all of the powers he has. And no other way to stop him that he's aware of, and no one to help him. He did the only thing that he could.
And ppl complaining say things like "He could have flown away?" And say he did, but Zod didn't follow him? Instead, he stayed to finish destroying Metropolis and the rest o the world. Then what? Remember, in Superman 2 the first fight broke out in Metropolis and Superman flew away. That plan only worked because that Zod's motivations was different. He wanted to rule the world and have the humans bow down to him. MoS Zod wanted to burn everything and everyone to the ground. He didn't want or need their worship.
That brings me to Reeves' Superman. He'll always hold a special place in my heart. My first Superman and he did a great job. I hated his Lois though, never saw why someone as kind as him was interested in someone as abusive and self-centered as she was. I did side-eye him when he turned back time just to save her. Like if you could have flown that fast to begin with, you could have stopped both missiles. I know some ppl died, but because Lois was one of them, he went that far (and that's not even a skill he has, nor did it make sense) which is why Superman 2 of his franchise is my favorite.